You and your baby deserve a birth story to cherish forever!

Read Our Free Book Today! 

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Knowledge is Power!

Unlock a world of birthing wisdom within the Hypnobirth HUB!

Our exclusive online platform features over 100 educational videos, bite-sized workshops, and a trove of downloadable resources. Backed by positive birth statistics, the HUB equips you for any birth scenario, enhancing your journey with expertise from hypnobirthing parents, teachers, and midwives. Prepare for a positive, empowered birth experience with these life changing resources.

Your Expert Guide

Tamara Cianfini

Prepare for your Hypnobirth with Tamara Cianfini, a visionary Hypnobirthing expert, Teacher/Midwife Trainer, Nurse, Hypnotherapist, Birth Doula, Author, Founder of The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme and founder of World Hypnobirthing Day. After experiencing a traumatic birth and then a life changing hypnobirth, Tamara knows the importance of choosing the right education.

Tamara's exclusive hypnobirthing resources are designed to build confidence and help you feel more prepared to welcome your baby. Delve into her educational videos and learn how to relax with her soothing pregnancy relaxation sessions, designed to transform any nerves or worries into confidence and trust. Remember to download Tamara's online book, it's a great place to start your unique journey!

Your Resources

    HUB Access With Hypnobirth Guidebook

    ( Hypnobirth guidebook will be posted) 

    UK Only

    HUB Access With ONLINE Guidebook

    ( Online Hypnobirth guidebook included)

    World Wide

    Prefer an in person class?

    Join Tamara's exclusive 3-hour weekend workshop, nestled in the tranquil woodlands, just a few mins walk from Hertford North station. This is a great opportunity for you and your partner to master all hypnobirthing techniques with Tamara by your side.You will both leave feeling confident and fully prepared. 

    £195 per couple/spaces are limited. 

    Gain access to the exclusive HUB, packed with 12 beautiful pregnancy relaxation sessions, a comprehensive hypnobirth guidebook, over 100 inspiring videos, breastfeeding class and invaluable postnatal education. Discover the power of unwinding, deepening your connection with your baby and applying life-changing knowledge. Please note, access may be slightly delayed for orders placed outside our working hours.

    For parents attending face2face classes with a teacher/midwife ONLY

    The Hypnobirth Guidebook

    Guidebook will be posted to you - Your teacher/Midwife will give you access to the Hypnobirth HUB

    UK Only